Monday 18 October 2010

Magpie Mine ... revisited

And rewarded with a lovely sunset.  Camera on tripod, with self timer and ISO kept low to avoid "noise" in the darkening sky.  The buildings are intentionally silhouetted, to keep all the focus on the sky.



  1. Hi Teresa
    Glad you are still with us in spirit.

    Post-idustrial landscapes always seem so emotive. Particularly liked the first in the series with the remains appearing so small against the backdrop of the sunset. There have been some really great sunsets over the last couple of weeks that I have managed to see through the windscreen as I travel to meetings.

    Will be looking to do a set at Barrow upon Trent fairly soon. River Trent as background, gravel workings at one end and a Norman Church that we will be able to access. Interested? Let me know and I'll keep you updated when I sort out dates.

  2. Love your Magpie Mine shots!
    The third one is just stunning!

    How's life treating you?
